Werftraum Performance Art Workshop 2022, Phase 1, Braunschweig Germany



Excerpt from the workshop concept by Dagmar I. Glausnitzer-Smith:

 The workshop takes a practical and critical stance, which will animate the creative process. It is sensitive towards ideas, details and signals, which implement an unfamiliar way of seeing. Through group conversations, individual ideas are being reflected. The question of where is the ‘art’, ‘the work’ remains at the core of the workshop.

Participants of the workshop will explore the means of a live ‘image’ in space and its compositional aspects and delivery. A composition is being created with the understanding of space, time, texture, contrast, fragmentation, layers, color and the human body. A composition may be in question and is non-directive with intentional aspects emphasized in the presence of body as object. The discussion will lead to an understanding of the ‘foreground’ of a situation as image in space. Through observation of known habits and the analysis of conventional behavior patterns, predictable actions and re-actions can be re-placed/displaced into the background.

An understanding of ‘Self’ can be experienced with an intuitive approach, serious play and spontaneity.

Urgency is given to personal experience, documentation methods, presentation and the writing and planning of structures for a Live Action in Performance Art.



Gernot Baars        agb@ateliergernotbaars.de

Rose Texier         rose.texier98@gmail.com

Luca Rohringer   l.rohringer@hbk-bs.de

Victoriia Bachmann     viktoriiab@gmx.de

Roman Grussu         Roman.Grussu@vwfs.com

Thanh Long Nguyen    nguyen.thanh-long@web.de

Ymay Romei               ymayfuturemusic@gmx.com

Inga Bischoff              inga.bischoff@t-online.de

Carlotta Oppermann    c.oppermann@hbk-bs.de


photos by Kimberly Rataj

Final Presentations

Rose Texier

Location, Parkplatz, April 30th, "connected words", 15 Min. concept words: time, whispered words and letting it happen. The surprise...


Luca Rohringer





Location Parkplatz, April 30th, " Fest-Staub" 8 min. concept words: Feeling the ground. Feeling the gound through the ground.

Inga Bischoff


Victoriia Bachmann

Location Parkplatz, April 30th, "The Bag", 10 Min. concept words: The research about the material and space. The relationship with the object. Finding the character of the material. Study of physical properties of 'paper'. Conscious unknowing of any result. Parabel between material and body. Connection to the material. Transformation.

Roman Grussu

Werftraum, Untergeschoss, April 30th, " Achtung Leben", 13,5 min. concept words: Things happen, Life happens, Love and Drama are different views as my own encounters, different view points. Spectators will see my Life as high emotional investement. Will I depart or not depart when lost in emtions. Lost in the Untergeschoss.

Thanh Long Nguyen

















Gernot Baars


Werftraum, Untergeschoss, April 30th,"and the lord gives us food plenty",  6:14min, concept words: The Food. The Lord. Plenty. How long will it last? Is there a future like Mad Max® or something worse? The struggle of getting food. Or other resources? Anyway. No matter what. At the moment, I’m thankful for being alive and well fed. Even if it comes with a price.

Video Still, 2023

 Video editing: Gernot Baars









Ymay Romei


Flur vor dem Werftraum, April 30th, "Reflecting on Room", 10 Min. concept words: wie ist es einen relativ unbekannten Raum per persönlichem Echolot zu erkunden.?...was auch immer dieses Echolot sein mag...

Carlotta Oppermann


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